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IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have changed the login process to use our membership system which is called iMIS. Your old login information to the NDI website most likely will no longer work. Click the link below to download instructions to guide you through the process to get your account setup.

Instructions to log into NDI


Dear families,

Technology can be a scary word for parents of young kids but it’s something that needs to be addressed. Here are three ideas to help you be successful as you have conversations for the first time with your child. 

Just click the video link below to catch these ideas and put them into practice!

One such idea is to use a Technology Contract with your child so they understand the responsibility involved with them using technology. An idea of a pdf Technology Contract can be downloaded here (280 KB)

If you have further questions, our ministry is here to help and support you as you walk through this new season. 


Praying for you and your family,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team







Hi families,

Have you talked to your child about technology and how to use it?  Do they know what you expect?  Technology is something they’ll have for the rest of their lives.  It’s important to start out strong and clear about your expectations and strategies in regard to technology use. The video link below gives you some great strategies on how to approach this conversation, when to have these conversations, and what to talk about. 

Regular conversations about technology help normalize the topic and make it easier in the long run. We are here to help you start off strong!

Partnering with You,



The NAC USA Family Ministry Team