Thoughts from DA Kolb

Our Father desires to provide us care and support for every aspect of our life. However, He needs a space—a sacred space—where He can whisper His encouraging and enlivening thoughts into our hearts and minds.

This sacred space occurs when we "create" time for this; time without the distraction and interference of daily life (the definition of holy—apart), much the same as we would for our spouse, child, or friend. You see, for this interaction with our Friend, we must have a relationship with Him and desire to make time to connect with Him. For me, this time sometimes has been commuting to work, sitting on a plane, in bed in the middle of the night or early in the morning, preparing for a divine service; moments in solitude without phone, music, or conversation. Then, the Holy Spirit begins to speak to me—and by that, I mean He inspires me with thoughts, ideas, and perspectives—often affirming and clarifying thoughts and plans that I have pondered. Thus, relationship + time = a sacred space where our dearest Friend can commune with us.

How is your relationship with the Divine? The awareness of His omniscience humbles us, and yet, as the writer of Hebrews says, we can come boldly to the throne of grace, seeing that we have a High Priest who entered first into the kingdom, and who knows and eternally loves us (Hebrews 4:16). We can imagine that the Almighty would desire a relationship with us, perhaps in the manner of the first people in paradise. The lyricist of an old anthem aptly describes this intimacy. Please ponder these lines and their significance in your life:

My God and I go in the field together, we walk and talk as good friends should and do;
We clasp our hands, our voices ring with laughter, my God and I walk through the meadow's hue.

He tells me of the years that went before me, when heav'nly plans were made for me to be,
When all was but a dream of dim conception, to come to life, earth's verdant glory see.

My God and I will go for aye together, we'll walk and talk and jest as good friends do.
This earth will pass and with it common trifles, but God and I will go unendingly.